Resources and educational materials

Give them the urge to learn

  • Videos

    Our content library includes a variety of engaging videos that will captivate your students.
    capture d'ecran d'une page vidéo de micro et boussole sur un ipad
  • Digital books

    A slew of interesting titles that are easy to access and share with your students.
    Une capture d'écran d'un jeu éducatif.
  • Teaching tools

    Strategies and ideas that meet Ontario Ministry curriculum requirements.
    capture de ressources pédagogiques
  • Audio tracks

    Our audio tracks offer a unique way to expose your students to a variety of topics and perspectives.
    capture d'écran d'un balado en lecture sur le site

Frequently Asked Questions


IDÉLLO is TFO’s educational platform, specially designed for educational staff in Canada. Choose from nearly 15,000 pieces of educational content (videos, games, podcasts, and teaching tools) sorted by subject and grade level.

Who is IDÉLLO for?

IDÉLLO is intended for school staff and students across Canada.

What’s new on IDÉLLO?

In order to offer an ever more personalized experience, IDÉLLO will soon be offering new features and useful themes for you and your students. Draw inspiration from our suggested learning paths, starting this September. All the new content will be grouped by theme and topic, in connection with the resources already available on IDÉLLO. The suggested pathways will be aligned with the Ontario curriculum and can be adapted for other provinces. Please note that we respect data protection rules and will not collect students’ email addresses. Students will be invited to access the platform via a class code provided by school staff.